Photo by Soo Ann Woon on Unsplash
Building FertKnowledge - Part 2
Making incremental changes to FertKnowledge
Story so far
- ⚓ Building FertKnowledge in public to learn and how to build & operate a SaaS offering
- ⚓ Got a functional website up and running at
- ⚓ Code at
Made the following changes :
- 🧰 Added a tag line to make it sound fancy 🔥🔥🔥
- 🧰 Updated the favicon 🌽🌽🌽
- 🧰 learnt how to update the default favicon
- 🧰 Made changes to the graphQL query to get info for
- 🧰 chemical group of the active constituent in the fertilizer
- 🧰 constituent code of the active constituent in the fertilizer
- 🧰 constituent name of the active constituent in the fertilizer
- 🧰 Updated the UI to render the extra details that were queried
- 🧰 Removed the search Button and updated the search on change for more than 2 characters
- 📖 Learnt how to make changes incremental changes to UI
- 📖 How render arrays in React
- 📖 How to update favicon
- 📖 Figured out what the UI lacks:
- 🚧 Spinner to show loading / data fetching state
- 🚧 Better CSS and animations
- 🚧 Website is not responsive
- 🚧 Automated data pipeline to data population
- 🚧 Server side and client side caching
- 🚧 Monitoring
- 🚧 Sentry integration is lacking
- 🚧 Tests : Unit, integration and Visual
- 🚧 No Auth flow in UI yet
- 🚧 CI pipeline
- Have CD already via Vercel, Heroku & Hasura cloud