Mastering Playwright : Harnessing Parallel Execution

Unlocking Efficiency : Run your playwright tests 12 times faster


3 min read

Mastering Playwright :  Harnessing Parallel Execution

After developing your Playwright tests, they initially run smoothly. However, as the quantity of test cases grows, you notice a gradual increase in execution time. This leads to the critical question: How can you manage and optimize this process?

Imagine managing 500 Playwright tests for your application. A strategic approach to handle this scenario involves several steps to improve efficiency and reduce runtimes.

Categorizing Tests for Parallel Execution

  • Firstly, categorize the 500 tests into 4 or 5 distinct groups based on the features they test. By doing so, you can execute approximately 100 tests simultaneously across each category. This method not only accelerates the testing process but also localizes any failures to a specific block of 100 tests, streamlining the debugging process.

  • Optimizing Authentication Flows

    In scenarios involving authentication, leverage fixtures to reuse authentication states, eliminating the need to log in for every test. This adjustment can significantly decrease the time required for each UI test.

  • Leveraging Docker for Consistent Environment

    Containerizing the testing environment ensures consistency across different machines and simplifies the setup process for new testing instances.

Utilizing GitHub Actions for Test Parallelization

  • GitHub Actions offers a convenient way to parallelize tests, further enhancing efficiency and reducing test execution times.

Running Tests on Optimized Infrastructure

  • Deploy your tests on a memory-optimized EC2 instance, such as a c5.4xlarge, allowing for up to 12 tests to run in parallel. Optimize costs by employing a combination of on-demand and spot instances, tailoring the infrastructure to your specific workload requirements.

  • Through these strategic measures, you can significantly improve the speed and efficiency of your Playwright testing suite, ensuring rapid feedback and high-quality software delivery. Use the following code for reference:

  •         FROM
            RUN mkdir -p /opt/google/chrome
            RUN ln -s /ms-playwright/chromium-1048/chrome-linux/chrome /opt/google/chrome/chrome
            RUN npm uninstall -g yarn && \
                apt-get remove -y nodejs python3 --purge && \
                apt-get update && \
                apt-get install -y openjdk-11-jre uuid-runtime  && \
                apt-get autoremove -y && \
                apt-get clean -y && \
                rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
            # Remove unused browser
            RUN rm -rf /ms-playwright/firefox-* /ms-playwright/webkit-*
            # Install nvm with node and npm
            RUN mkdir -p /usr/local/nvm
            ENV NVM_DIR /usr/local/nvm
            ENV NODE_VERSION v16.19.1
            RUN curl -o- | bash
            RUN /bin/bash -c "source $NVM_DIR/ && nvm install $NODE_VERSION && nvm use --delete-prefix $NODE_VERSION"
            # Add node and npm to the PATH
            ENV NODE_PATH $NVM_DIR/versions/node/$NODE_VERSION/bin
            WORKDIR /app
            RUN npm install -g yarn --loglevel silent
            RUN wget
            RUN tar -xvzf allure-commandline-2.17.2.tgz && rm -rf allure-commandline-2.17.2.tgz
            ENV PATH /app/allure-2.17.2/bin:$PATH
            RUN yarn install --cache-folder ~/.cache/yarn --frozen-lockfile --ignore-scripts
  • Simulating the API responses for third-party integrations

    • After implementing these adjustments, consider simulating the API responses for third-party integrations next. This strategy effectively eliminates a significant source of test instability.

    • To maintain the integrity of these simulated responses, it's crucial to validate that the mock data accurately reflects real API structures. Utilizing tools like Zod can help enforce consistency by verifying that the response structure remains unchanged over time.

Remember, refining and enhancing the efficiency of your pipeline is an ongoing endeavor. Continuous evaluation and optimization are key to maintaining a swift and reliable testing process.

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